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Get Ahead of the Game With These iOS Summer School Tips

Marketing Manager

Summer is almost here and it only means one thing – we're back with our iOS Summer School! If you're an iOS enthusiast and a COBE fan, chances are it’s not your first time hearing about it. However, if you're new to the scene, let us introduce you to our paid internship program where you’ll have the opportunity to develop your programming skills and gain some valuable experience. So, let's dive in and discover what awaits you. Our program offers three months of intensive tutorials, coding and meetings to help you build your expertise and gain valuable experience in the field. But don't just take our word for it – we spoke with last year’s interns and asked them to share their thoughts and learnings. Continue reading and find out what they said.

1. Jump into the unknown, you may like it

Starting a journey with a completely new language, tools and team members can be scary, to say the least. But with the right guidance and support from our mentors, it can also be an exciting opportunity to push your limits and achieve your goals.

So, let’s hear about it from first-hand experience! What can a new intern expect from the internship in the first few weeks? 
Matko: The start itself was quite interesting for me – meeting the whole team, and having everyone welcome us with open arms. Of course, there were times when I didn’t understand a thing, but getting out of my comfort zone was one of the best decisions I made for myself. I suggest you do the same.  

Miran: As we were unfamiliar with Swift, learning a new system and programming language was a challenge, and it took us a few weeks to adapt. But as time passed, we got more comfortable with it, watching tutorials and working on given tasks.

With our iOS team by your side, everything becomes a breeze. After the whole adjustment process was done, what was your focus in the following months?Laura: During the first month, we delved deep into all topics related to the UIKit with Paul Hudson and his tutorial, 100 Days of Swift. The tutorials are well structured, with the first five days devoted to watching and studying the material, and the remaining two days focused on applying what we learned to a related project. Some YouTube channels helped out as well, like the iOS Academy one.

Matko: After we tackled the UIKit, we jumped right into SwiftUI. We found it way more user-friendly and intuitive, which made our development process much smoother and easier. We kept up with the same approach as before – watching videos, taking on smaller projects, and leaning on our mentor for help when we needed it.

2. Be independent, but know when to ask for help too

Of course, our mentors will be here for you every step of the way, but we believe that fostering a sense of independence is important too. Therefore, we encourage you to spread your wings, take responsibility and explore your own unique solutions. 

What would you say, why is it important to explore things on your own before reaching out to your mentors?
Miran: During the whole process of finding all possible solutions to a certain problem, you’re actually engaged in research and that’s how you gain your independence. Although mentors were always there to jump in when we needed them, we wanted to explore on our own first before asking. When you learn something on your own, that experience leaves a profound imprint on your memory.

Now, don’t think you’ll have to do everything on your own. No one expects you to become a Swift master overnight, and sometimes finding a solution will look impossible. And that’s okay. After all, you’re here to learn, right? 
It’s important to find a balance between independence and knowing when you need help. When did you find yourself reaching out to your mentors for assistance?  
Laura: If there was something we couldn't grasp from the video alone, our mentors had our back. Watching a video might make everything seem crystal clear, but when it comes to applying that knowledge to assigned tasks, it’s not that easy. They really came through in those moments.

3. Be curious and never quit

After completing tutorials, dealing with different kinds of tasks, and tackling two iOS frameworks, our interns faced an exciting project. The project allowed them to showcase and apply all the knowledge from their internship journey. 

We're curious to know which tasks effortlessly fell into place, and which ones pushed the boundaries of your skills. Could you tell us a little bit about the project?
Miran: We created a mobile app similar to IMDb, enabling users to search for movies, which we pulled from the API. We also implemented features like favoriting movies and creating a movie presentation. Designing the application's UI came naturally to us, but writing clean and functional code, especially in a new programming language, was more demanding. What we learned from this project is that there are rarely ideal project circumstances and requirements, you’ll always have to adapt to a certain situation. But, when faced with challenges, it’s important to discuss them with your team, as someone may have a similar experience and knows how to deal with the problem.

And what about those problems where it seemed like there was no solution? How did you approach the situation?
Matko: With some problems, you just have to be patient and persistent. First, try finding solutions online. If that doesn't do the trick, reach out to your colleagues or mentors. And if that still doesn't help, give it some time and sleep it off and let your subconscious do its magic. Time solves everything, trust me.

4. Build relationships and master your communication skills

Now, let’s talk about the importance of networking. Besides gaining valuable iOS skills and knowledge, don’t forget to take time and connect with your mentors, fellow interns, and other employees. Use these three months as an opportunity to train your soft skills as well – engage in conversations, attend company events and build professional relationships for the future.

You mentioned previously that you found the office atmosphere very welcoming, and we’re so glad to hear that. Was it the same within the iOS team? With Mladen’s undying love for coffee, did you have a chance to connect with your mentors and grab a cup sometimes?

Miran: Well, I was personally amazed by the fact that every single person in the office would stop, say hello and chat. Speaking of our mentors, we really felt like a part of the team. Of course, we bonded over “a few” coffee and lunch breaks. But what’s even better is that we also had a chance to actively participate in team syncs. We listened to their invaluable project insights and experiences, but we also talked about ours – we were thrilled to discover that our opinions and ideas were warmly welcomed. 

Sounds like you enjoyed your time at the office then. Would you say you preferred coming to the office or working from home?
Laura: I’m glad that we got the freedom to choose our preferred workplace, it shows mutual trust. I also discovered I’m way more productive within the office environment. Working from the office is quite dynamic, plus you get the opportunity to connect with people from other teams and areas. 

What now?

Armed with these valuable tips and pieces of advice from our last year’s interns, the only thing that’s left to do is to start your own iOS journey. Good luck! 🍀

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About the author

Vanesa is a Marketing Manager at COBE. Besides writing, she enjoys photography and event planning.


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