Contact us

Eager to stay ahead of the curve?

Our workshops help both newcomers and experts understand which methods and tools to use when designing digital products and services. They also highlight the criteria crucial for their success. Our skilled digital experts provide first-hand knowledge which you can immediately apply in practice.

Custom Workshops & Coachings
Not sure what you need? We still got your back.

​​Whether you want to combine or adapt agendas, or you have a brand new idea which you need support for – let us know. We will construct a workshop tailored to your needs specifically.

Get in touch
Select a office

Our Munich office

We craft your UXi Strategy, conduct UX Research, and visualize your ideas with unique approaches and design skills in our Munich office.

Our Osijek office

No doubt, Osijek is Europe’s place to be when it comes to software development. This is why we chose to make it the home of our web and mobile development team and our QA and Automated Testing experts.

Office space in Osijek, Kroatia.

The workshop team

Meet our Experts

It’s time to introduce you to the faces behind the interfaces.


Product Owner


Business Innovation Manager


Business Innovation Manager


Product Owner


Business Innovation Manager


Product Owner